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bios are hard.

Welcome to clearlymissherd!


I'm Jennifer Herd and I’m the creator of this here web comic, and an obvious pun enthusiast. I live in Toronto with my two adopted cats and adopted boyfriend. I'm into gaming, indie comics, weird romance stories and spending too much money on takeout.


I started making these comics in 2013. I didn't know where my art career was going at the time, but I knew I wanted to write and draw. You'll find most of my content is about body image, cats, fashion, nerdy stuff, and life in Toronto. One day, I'll put together a physical novel, but for now, you'll have to take to the internet in order to see me complain about everything.


Feel free to add me to one or all of your newfangled social media thingies. I’m actually pretty friendly sometimes. If you catch me after I’ve had my first three coffees.


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